Thanks for watching another of my sims 2 tutorials. Games\the sims 2\collections folder cannot be placed in subfolders. I like to download items which are not just hair and clothing, so my downloads folder is probably set up a bit differently than yours. A blue window will pop up asking you to install the content. Open your my documents\ea games\the sims 2\downloads folder and sort by date as shown in the picture below.
Game help help forums community forums stories contests challenges. The sims 4 my cc folder download the game will then repair itself and basically do a fresh install of the files needed to run the sims 4. The neat thing about keeping a backup, or main downloads folder is that you can organize anyway you want. If the downloads folder isnt there, make a new folder inside the sims 2 folder and name it downloads, with a capital d. Custom content info how to create subfolders in your mod downloads folder. Ad section overview download install instructions comments 155 related pages. Place them in the main downloads folder if they dont work in the subfolders. Simply put the collection icon in the folder my documents\ea games\the sims 2\collections\icons and create a new collection ingame. Click on the actions menu at the top and click select all.
When i download houses, everything in them goes to the downloads folder, so now i have a bunch of things not in subfolders and most are duplicates. Click the start menu and my documents, which is in the top right. Inside the contents folder theres three subfolders. If you currently or in the future wish to add new users, you may want to make subfolders for additional users. The folder should be highlighted by default, so lets name it downloads just type it in. At some point you could place some cc folders outside the downloads folder. Programs macgamestore games sims 2 collection the sims 2 contents inside the contents folder theres three subfolders. If there is no icon folder within the collections folder, simply create a new folder, name it icons, copy the image into this folder and start the game. Walls and floors, objects and recolors, hacks and mods, and 4 other folders with my own walls and floors, painting replacements, skin defaults, and face template replacements. Copy it onto a flash drive, and just place the folder in the correct location, then go about installing your game and expansions. Today, i decided to post my ccdownloadsmods folder for sims 2. Click ok or accept or yes or whichever option the installer has. I recalled the early mess of thousands of files in my sims 2 downloads folder before i learned i could make subfolders within in it, such as.
It doesnt matter how old the computer is, it only matters what is inside and whether the stuff in the computer will actually work with the sims 2 games. For hair and clothing though, i have a subfolder called hair. Since you have the uc, its easy to uninstall and reinstall through origin. Hello i have the sims 2 ultimate collection downloaded from origin, i created the folder downloads in the the sims 2 ultimate collection folder, i pasted every. You might create a folder for sliders in your mods folder. I just downloaded the sims 2 ultimate collection on origin, and have looked around for where to put cc. Once its done, then you can reinstall it the same way. Right click on your downloads folder and select bulk rename here. This pc documents electronic arts the sims 4 mods sliders you can turn off or disable mods without deleting them by moving them into another subfolder. Congratulations, the content should now be installed. This pc documents electronic arts the sims 4 mods many of us create subfolders to organize mods. The more i think on it, the more freedom it gives to never have to redo your downloads folder again. I recently downloaded the sims 2 super collection from the app store for apple. Just go to your game library, rightclick on the sims 2 and choose uninstall.
For a reason nobody knows, the sims 2 install doesnt always create a downloads folder. If there is no downloads folder in your my documents sims folder, you can simply create. Faqs pleasant sims the sims 2 tutorials and downloads. Byte thanked 46717 times in 65 posts 25 achievements. This is actually a very commonly asked question, and yet it has the simplest of answers. Info how to create subfolders in your mod downloads folder. Mod the sims anybody have any tips for an organized. In my old ts2 folder i have, in addition to the downloads folder not inside, the following. Either way, the library folder doesnt have an application supportaspyr folder in it. It simply adds more createasim items and buildbuy objects to the game.
In the case that you do need to delete a file that youve merged, if youve kept the unmerged files copied somewhere, simply delete the individual file you want to get rid of, and delete the merged. Davis, all of the sims games on ps2 and the sims and sims 2 on mac. I had no issues with this when i played the base game on disc as the ea folder was present, but now that i have the game through origin, there is no ea games folder for which to put the cc in. Double click on ea games to open that folder, once there double click the sims 2 to open that folder ok were in the right place. Where to find sims 2 cc custom content lufferkinzify posts. Simply go into your ea games folder, go into to the downloads folder it made and cutpaste the new cc you installed into your main downloads folder and then also delete the extra teleport folder there since there is already one in your the sims 2 folder. In order to install custom content one must create a folder named downloads with out the quotes inside your folder named the sims 3 where the game has its game files located, where that is depends on your game version. If you download a lot, and you just put your files in your mod folder without sorting, it will be difficult. Ad section overview download install instructions comments 154 related pages. Do not leave a the sims 3 folder behind, if it is there the next step will fail. Many programs create a default download folder to save downloads when they are installed, however the default location of the download folder can sometimes be difficult to access or remember, which is why you may want to create a new download folder in a location that is more convenient for you. To replace the sims 2 folder that was create during install with your copy of this you must drop it in the ea games directory that is in my documents folder, or you must copy it in that. Search by date if you keep multiple subfolders and youre not sure which ones have your newest files, search your downloads folder for the most recently added files.
To send the output of this program to a file, specify the output file in the command. Since cc doesnt touch the game code, it rarely needs. Collections within the my documents\ea games\the sims 2\collections folder cannot be placed in subfolders. The sfc custom content installation guide for the sims 1. Im wondering if making these sub folders will allow me to go in game and select a set, like i did in sims 3. Mod the sims info how to create subfolders in your mod. To do this from a command shell, for example, type. Subfolders are not recognized, except in the downloads folder used for objects. Suggested subfoldering methods exactly what folders you create for yourself under downloads is up to you, and a lot of it depends on how you play, and what you download. When i download cc from tsr for example, i put all files in the downloads folder, but some stuff doesnt quite show up as it should, but some stuff do. Click on file new folder in the folder menu or right click inside the folder. Subfolders are folders within folders a floors subfolder of downloads would be my documents\ea games\the sims 2 \ downloads \floors. With most problems in the game caused by newly downloaded modshacks and meshes, i highly recommend a special folder to hold newly downloaded items, along with separate folders for mods and meshes.
I got this game through origin and i have the sims 3 so i am aware of how to download custom content but i just do not have a sims 4 folder in my electronic arts. Unlike mods, cc does not change the way your game behaves. Info how to create subfolders in your mod downloads folder by sunset sim, in custom content 21st aug 2014 19th jul 2018 1. This is a brief video on how i organize my sims 4 mods folder cc and mods downloads. I have around 20,000 pieces of custom content in my game and when i got around 10,000 i made subfolders in my downloads folder. Parts 1 and 2 are instructions for installing the 2 different file types for the sims 2 custom content, it also contains instructions for the 2 additional things you need to do if you have never used custom content before 3. Once you have created a downloads folder you place your custom content in. Warrior gryphon thanked 864 times in 16 posts 28 achievements. A download folder is a folder where you save files that you download through your computer.
What content can go in subfolders depends on what expansions you may or may not have installed. The sims 2 how do you organize your downloads folder. If you have files in subfolders, find the section of the tool with the header selections and tick the box next to subfolders. Users\current user account\documents\ea games\the sims 2\downloads\ the location of your downloads folder depends on your current user account, so be shure to use the right one. Go to documents ea games the sims 2 ultimate collection and create a new folder called downloads. It should contain a bunch of subfolders, like downloads, music, etc. If nightlife or later is installed, the downloads folder may contain subfolders. The site has been restored to how it appeared in 2008 yikes after i recently discovered the files all still existed, and all content is being provided for those who still play the sims 1, 2 or 3. Downloads clothes male adults casual and subfolders in this one by artist or style, ie sbb, costumes, etc.
I have also tried right clicking on the sims 4 icon on my desktop and opening the file there but my file contents appear to be different from others. How do i change my sims 3 installed content and saved. The sims 4 how i organize my sims 4 mods folder youtube. First you need to have a downloads folderdirectory in this directory. First move the entire the sims 3 folder to where you want. I only have sims 2, my downloads folder goes up and down depending on what im working on, its 169mb at the moment.
Users\your user account\documents\ea games\the sims 2\downloads\. But for my version, im not sure where i should create my downloads folder. Copy the the sims 2 folder in my documentsea games you can copy the ea games folder, thats what i did. Move your downloads folder to your desktop to keep it safe. You can find more of my work at mod the sims and plumb bob keep.